Septic System Replacement
and Septic Installation
When you need your septic system replaced you can trust S.O.S. Septic to get the job done.
Over 90% of Florida's drinking water is supplied by ground water - making proper septic tank installation crucial. Septic systems (or Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems - OSTDS) are governed by local county offices of the Florida Department of Health - which enforces laws and regulations that must be followed.
We can ensure your septic system is in compliance with Florida state laws and regulations.

Tree root intrusion requires septic system replacement.
Septic System Replacement & Installation
The average life of a septic system is roughly 25 years. However, some concrete septic tanks may last for 40 years or more and drainfields on average last 17-20 years.
The bottom line: the life of you septic system depends on the type of septic system, whether it was properly installed, and most importantly, whether it was routinely pumped, maintained, and inspected.
Chances are you won't need your entire septic system replaced, but just one part of it- such as a septic tank installation or drainfield replacement.
We can handle every aspect of your residential or commercial septic system installation- whether it's just one part of your septic system or an entire septic system replacement. The experts at S.O.S. Septic, Inc. have the experience and know-how you want on site for septic system replacement, including:

Septic tank replacement project
Commercial septic system replacement
Residential septic system replacement
Septic tank replacement
Drainfield replacement
Drainfield rejuvination
Septic system inspection
Septic system certification
NOTE: Remember where your septic tank and drainfield are installed. Don't know? Find out. You don't want to plant trees or shrubs that can disturb your septic line or park vehicles on your drainfield!
Unfortunately, your need for septic services won't end here. Septic systems require regular maintenance.
Fortunately, we can help with that too. Regular septic pumping and cleaning will be required. Depending on the type of septic system and nature of use (primarly commercial) you may be subject to additional regulations and guidelines regarding the septic system repair and maintenance.